Finland’s Alvar Aalto Route will bring together architectural gems and tourist sites
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The Alvar Aalto Foundation is currently setting up a Finnish Alvar Aalto Route, which will bring together the internationally best-known highpoints of the Finnish architect’s career from 1920s to the 1970s. The route is intended to increase awareness of the works of architect and designer Alvar Aalto, and to increase interest and understanding of the built environment.
The route is being developed as a collaboration between Finnish cities that host important Aalto architectural sites. Five Aalto-route workshops will be held in different parts of Finland during the winter and spring. In addition to Aalto’s architectural sites, the route project will bring together a variety of high-quality tourism services that support its theme.
These will be integrated to form the Visit Alvar Aalto online service, which will cater to both individual travellers and groups. The online service will be completed in spring 2018. Read more.