Finland’s Modernist Tapestry Tour

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Finlandia Hall in Helsinki. Photo: Rune Snellman, Alvar Aalto Foundation
Finlandia Hall in Helsinki. Photo: Rune Snellman, Alvar Aalto Foundation
Front Page > Experiences > Finland’s Modernist Tapestry Tour

Embark on a journey that weaves through Alvar Aalto’s architectural imagination, stretching across Finland to the cultural heart of Rovaniemi and the historic charm of Turku.

This tour unveils a world where concrete, glass, and nature blend into a seamless, beautiful continuum. Marvel at the bold modernism of Helsinki’s Finlandia Hall, and experience the tranquillity of Säynätsalo Town Hall, a gem nestled in Lakeland. In Rovaniemi, bear witness to the administrative and cultural prowess of the Aalto Centre, including Rovaniemi City Hall, the City Library, and Lappia House. Further south, explore Turku to discover Alvar and Aino Aalto’s early modern buildings, pioneering a new architectural era.

As you drift from the urban vibrancy of the capital to serene lakesides and historic cityscapes, let Aalto’s vision inspire a new understanding of harmony between built environments and nature.

Tour in brief: A nine-day journey encompassing the architectural marvels of Alvar Aalto in Finland’s key cities. This package offers a comprehensive experience including accommodations, select meals,
entrance fees to notable attractions, and insightful guided tours. Free time is allocated for personal exploration and shopping, promising a full immersion into Aalto’s world.

Experience Highlights

  • Rovaniemi City Hall, the City Library, and Lappia House
  • Säynätsalo Town Hall
  • Finlandia Hall, Helsinki
  • Lounais-Suomen Maalaistentalo, Turku
  • Turun Sanomat Office Building
Rovaniemi city library. Photo: Maija Holma, Alvar Aalto Foundation
Rovaniemi city library. Photo: Maija Holma, Alvar Aalto Foundation
Turun sanomatalo ikkuna
Turun sanomatalo ikkuna
Säynätsalon kunnantalon pääaula sekä toimistokäytävä kiertyvät sisäpihan ympärille. Kuva: Tero Takalo-Eskola, Visit Jyväskylä
Säynätsalon kunnantalon pääaula sekä toimistokäytävä kiertyvät sisäpihan ympärille. Kuva: Tero Takalo-Eskola, Visit Jyväskylä

Finland’s Modernist Tapestry Tour


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