Alajärvi Town Hall

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Alajärvi Town Hall hall photographed from the cemetery. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
The town hall photographed from the cemetery. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
Front Page > Destinations > Alajärvi Town Hall

Among the Aalto sites in Alajärvi, the town hall is the largest and most prominent. The building’s facade is dominated by the large windows of the council chamber and the minimalist white walls. Construction of the Alajärvi town hall began in 1966 and it was completed a year later. The most impressive parts of the terrain-adaptive office building are the lobby and the council chamber. The council chamber is taller than the rest of the building and is adorned with windows of various sizes and shapes that let in the rays of the morning and evening sun.

Alvar Aalto approached his buildings as total works of art, where furniture and lighting were also important elements of the design. In the council chamber of the Alajärvi town hall, there are furnishings, tables, chairs, and lamps designed by Aalto, as well as seating in the foyer.

The large windows of the council hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
The large windows of the council hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
The large windows of the council hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
The large windows of the council hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
The lobby of the town hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
The lobby of the town hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
Evening sun in the council hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
Evening sun in the council hall. Photo: Tuure Äikäs
Photo: Tuure Äikäs
Photo: Tuure Äikäs

Alajärvi Town Hall


Alvar Aallon tie 1, 62900 Alajärvi, Suomi